Carnegie Learning Initial Implementation Courses: Math

Introduction to Zorbit's Math Adventure (Part 1) (ZM101-2021)

Get ready to use one of Carnegie Learning's Math Solutions. This course is for educators that will be using Zorbit's Math Adventure with their students.

This course is intended to help you...
▪ Explain the Zorbit’s Guiding Principles and recognize its application for increasing student achievement.
▪ Recognize the incorporation of Zorbit's main developmental frameworks.
▪ Access to the student experience by playing within Zorbit's.
▪ Access and explain the key features of the Zorbit's Teacher Dashboard.
▪ Create a collaborative blended-learning environment.
▪ Use the Teacher’s Dashboard to manage students and content.

Beginner Level - Asynchronous - 3 PD hours - Shareable certification upon completion - Prerequisite: Getting Started with MyPL+ [if new user of MyPL+]

PD Hours: 3 Course Instructor(s): Rachel Scwartz

  • Get Started [~10 minutes]
  • Welcome - Start Here!
  • Create a Learning Plan for this Course
  • Access My Zorbit's Dashboard
  • Ink Your Thinking: KWL Chart
  • Discussion Board: WOIU?
  • Zorbit's Overview [~35 Minutes]
  • Zorbit's Overview Learning Intentions
  • What is Zorbit's?
  • Teacher's Support Cycle
  • Zorbit's Guiding Principles
  • Discussion Board: Guiding Principles
  • Developmental Frameworks
  • Expanding on Continuum of Numeracy Development
  • Math Leaders Discuss Pedagogy
  • Notice and Wonder
  • Play Zorbit's Math Adventure [~45 Minutes]
  • Play Zorbit's Math Adventure Learning Intentions
  • Zorbit's Story
  • Zorbit's Math in 60 Seconds
  • Student Experience
  • Independent Game Play
  • Chocolate Covered Broccoli
  • Deeper Dive into Blended Learning
  • Guiding the In-Game Experience [~25 Minutes]
  • Guiding the In-Game Experience Learning Intentions
  • Activating Your Teacher Dashboard
  • Finding In-Game Activities
  • Game Controls
  • Assignments
  • Offline Resources
  • Teacher Scavenger Hunt
  • Padlet: Classroom Resources
  • Classroom Achievement [~35 Minutes]
  • Classroom Achievement Learning Intentions
  • Increasing Achievement
  • Padlet: Achievement in Math Class
  • Leading a Math Talk
  • Teacher Dashboard Exploration
  • Teacher Support
  • Closing Activities [~10 Minutes]
  • Closing Activities Learning Intentions
  • Key Takeaways
  • Ink Your Thinking: KWL Chart Wrap-Up
  • Evaluate Your Experience
Completion rules
  • All units must be completed
  • Leads to a certificate with a duration: Forever